2022 | 2022

Expo Revestir Best In Show

O lavatório da coleção Ona é premiado com o Best in Show por melhor cuba exposta durante a feira Expo Revestir.

A Roca ganhou o Best in Show por melhor cuba da Expo Revestir, a feira mais importante da América Latina para profissionais de revendas, construtoras, arquitetura e design de interiores

Awarded collection

Awards received

Architect's Top 10. Category Bathroom

Roca has been recognised for being one of the most referenced brands among professionals in the Architecture & Design industry on archdaily.com

Red Dot Design Award

In-Wash® Khroma Smart Toilet has been awarded with a Red Dot Award.

iF Design Awards

Ona Collection’s new basin has been awarded with the prestigious iF Design Award.

Red Dot Design Award

In-Wash® Khroma Smart Toilet has been awarded with a Red Dot Award.